Friday, November 30, 2012

The King and His Hawk

The King and His Hawk

Just tried out screen video capture software and it was a success to upload to Youtube. The process of completing this task seems OK.

Monday, November 26, 2012


Spent some sweet time with my kids during the year-end school holidays, to read comics with them together. And I would like to share whatever done via internet all around the world. It is fun.

By the way, these are 'raw' uploads and no editing is done for better presentation and a thousand apologies for that.

The story is written and drawn by a famous Malaysian Cartoonist, and I think the story lines are inspired by some famous Sci-fic movies, such as Terminator, iRobot, The 5, Wall-E and Matrix.

It is fun to read, to watch and to discover something new in life together with kids, but as an adult, we have other things to do, e.g forever never ending house whole chores and works commitments. So, you can just download all my youtube files by Youtube Downloader and play them at once for your kids to view. No more pestering from kids for more youtube stuffs. enjoy !  

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Thursday, November 1, 2012

How do you walk?

 walk slowly or with difficulty because one is tired, on a long journey, etc  
(因疲惫、 走长路等)缓慢或吃力地走
trudging (along) through the deep snow 在深雪中慢慢地走
  * He trudged 20 miles. 他吃力地走了20英里
=>Usage at stump用法见stump.
 > trudge n (usu sing 通常作单数) long tiring walk 疲累的长途步行; 长途跋涉.

walk for pleasure with no special destination 漫步; 闲逛:

I like rambling (around/about) in the country.  
Cf 参看 hike 1.  
 2 [I, Ipr, Ip] ramble (on) (about sb/sth) (fig 比喻) wander in one's talk or writing by not keeping to the subject  
漫谈; 闲聊; 漫笔: The old man rambled (on) about the past. 

 3 [I] (of plants) grow or climb over other plants, hedges, etc with long trailing shoots (指植物)蔓生, 攀缘生长.
 > ramble n rambling walk 漫步
go for/on a ramble in the country 去乡间漫步.
 1 person who rambles(ramble 1) 漫步者.   
2 rambling plant 蔓生植物: [attrib 作定语] rambler roses 攀缘蔷薇.
 rambling adj  1 (esp of buildings, streets, towns, etc) extending in various directions irregularly  
(尤指建筑物、 街道、 城镇等)无规则地向各方延伸的, 布局凌乱的
 2 (of a plant) growing or climbing with long trailing shoots (指植物)蔓生的, 攀缘的.  3 (of a speech, essay, etc) not keeping to the subject; disconnected (指讲话、 文章等)不切题的, 不连贯的.

1 [Ipr, Ip] climb or crawl quickly, usu over rough ground or with difficulty; clamber 攀登; : scramble up the embankment 爬上堤岸 * The girl scrambled over the wall. 那个女孩儿翻过了墙. * The children scrambled out of the hollow tree. 孩子都从树洞里爬出来了.  2 [I, Ipr, It] ~ (for sth) struggle or compete with others, esp to get sth or a share of sth 争夺, 竞争(尤指为得到某事物): players scrambling for possession of the ball 争着抢球的运动员 * The children scrambled for the coins. 孩子们争夺硬币. * They were all scrambling to get the bargains. 他们都争先恐后抢购廉价货.  3 [Tn, Tn.p] ~ sth (up) mix (things) together in an untidy way; jumble sth up 将(东西)乱混在一起; 搅乱某事物: Who has scrambled up my sewing things? 谁把我的针线活儿弄乱了?  4 [Tn] mix the whites and yolks of (eggs) together while cooking them in a saucepan with milk and butter (用牛奶和黄油)炒(蛋).  5 [Tn] change the way (a telephone conversation, etc) sounds by altering the wave frequency, so that only sb with a special receiver can understand it 扰频或倒频使(电话通话等)只可由有特殊接收器的人收听.  6 [I, Tn] (cause a military aircraft to) take off suddenly, eg to repel an enemy raid (使军用飞机)紧急起飞.
 > scramble n  1 [sing] climb or walk done with difficulty or over rough ground 攀登; 爬行: a scramble over the rocks at the seashore 攀登海边的岩石.  2 [sing] ~ (for sth) rough struggle (to get sth) 争夺; 抢夺: There was a scramble for the best seats. 大家都在抢最好的座位.  3 [C] motor-cycle race over rough ground 摩托车越野赛.
 scrambler / 5skrAmblE(r); `skrAmblL/ n device for scrambling telephone conversations, etc 扰频器; 倒频器.


Saturday, September 1, 2012

20120830 日记-我的生日

最近,老天好像是发脾气般的面对着大地, 把大地晒得热烘烘, 天气真的好热啊!希望老天爷不要在发脾气,把脾气收敛起来,下场大雨吧。 放学后,汗流浃背的我在篮球场等着爸爸,幸亏有些同学带篮球来打打,解解闷一下。过了不久, 爸爸的汽车也到了,我和哥哥匆忙地把书包往爸爸的汽车箱里丢去,只有二年级的妹妹慢慢吞吞的背起那个比她身体还重的书包,一步一步的走过来,我心里想到一件很奇怪的事,同学们的年级和体格越大,书包重量就越轻。看看那些低年级、高年级和中学生的书包就可以证明这点了,有点反自然的现象,真好笑。

回到家后,就开始做功课。从早上,在学校长时间的坐着做功课, 回到家也坐着功课,有点闷,我就在家里走来走去,松一松我的筋骨。 过了不久,表哥建辉也来拜访我, 我们也开始向电脑游戏开战, 打得不是你死, 就是我活, 好过瘾啊!

晚上,爸爸买了个Plain Pandan Layers减糖蛋糕为我庆祝10岁生日,庆祝的过程虽然简单, 家人只是为我唱唱生日歌、许许愿和吹吹蜡烛, 但是那种美味冰凉的蛋糕和那温馨的感觉是笔墨难以形容的,是可贵的。

上床前,可能身心有点累了,我和哥哥为了冲泡美绿的小事而大吵一顿, 爸爸也为这件事而骂了我一顿,哎呀!现在的我才知道,身体累了就好像发了脾气的太阳公公,全世界也变得热烘烘,还是开启了空调,把自己冷却下来,睡觉去,明天会更好。